This is a general donation.
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Online Donation
Donation Impact Statement
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All donations flow into SCS General Funds. Illustrated here are examples where we deploy the funds to cancer awareness and prevention, free cancer screening services, financial assistance, rehabilitation services, psychosocial services, cancer support services and home hospice care.
To-and-fro trip from home to hospital for cancer appointments made possible with your donation.
Your donation will empower our patients with adult diapers to live independently.
Your generosity will contribute to the quality end-of-life care for hospice patients in their homes.
Thank you for your donation. Your generosity will go a long way to help our cancer warriors receive the needed surgical procedures during their treatment journey.
I am donating to support
Pauline Pang (Participant)
Please use Visa or MasterCard credit/debit card when making the payment. A valid FULL NRIC/FIN/UEN No. is required for auto-inclusion for tax deduction purposes. All monetary donations/transactions will be in Singapore Dollars.