donated $100
Such a good causedonated $22
donated $100
donated $100
Inspired by your compassion and indomitable spirit to help and encourage cancer patients, survivors and loved ones to never give up in this fight and face challenges together. All of you especially those who remain strong in the face of adversity are my true heroes!donated $100
Well done Pei Pei and team! Thanks for making a difference to support this campaign!donated $100
Amazing!!donated $80
Woohoo, Cheryl! For skipping IU and giving it your all to run for a good cause! Happy birthday!donated $300
Thanks for embarking me on to support the Cancer Society through our fundraising efforts, your efforts truly make a difference, and I'm honored to be a part of this incredible team. Let's rally together SST!donated $50
donated $50
We can do no great things, only small things with great love Mother Teresadonated $100
donated $100
donated $200
Well done Pei!! Great cause.donated $50
donated $100
Awesome duo ! All the way! Enjoy your run!donated $50
Well done! Proud of you.donated $100
Good job!!!donated $200
Great cause! Thanks for letting me have this opp to do a small part.donated $100
What a great cause led by Mummy & Son team! Jia You!donated $50
Jiayou!!!donated $30
donated $42
You are all awesome! Onward to the end! 200%donated $100
donated $50
Jia You Ricodonated $60
Showing my support! All the best!donated $100
Jiayou YC!!donated $100
Go SST! Great job!donated $100
Jia youdonated $50
Good effort, Jia Yu.donated $30
Thank you for the effort and good job!donated $100
Thank you Team PforSST for your sacrifice and good example! We support you all the way!!!donated $20
donated $50
All the way Henry's mummy! You can do it!donated $50
donated $100
Jia you abang! Thanks for doing this!donated $50
donated $100
This is a wonderful cause and great initiation!donated $100
Awesome initiative, all the bestdonated $100
Gambatedonated $100
Jia you CH! Thanks for doing this and raise awareness. We are never alone on the journey!donated $100
donated $50
Jia you, CH! May all our contributions here pay it forward to those in need! Thank you for your efforts to raise awareness and $$!donated $300
Way to go team.donated $50
Am fully supportive of your effort to raise funds for cancer patients. They need all the help they can get. Every little bit counts.donated $50
Bravo Ying Ching!donated $100
Support for a good causedonated $50
You can do itdonated $100
donated $100
Dear Jer and ZY, thanks for doing this! Kudos! Rooting for all of you!donated $50
donated $100
Each stride you and all other participants take, paves the way to brighten another person's day. Proud of you, keep going!donated $18
Never give up and all the best!donated $60
Hock, go for your next milestone run. All the BEST!! Whatever the mind can conceive, it can be done!!donated $60
Support 2024 PforSST runners. We can't run this year, but our spirits are with you all.donated $200
donated $50
Jia you Jermaine!!donated $200
donated $500
To my dear sister who is a cheerful giver, be it being a faithful blood donor for years and now with this good cause. And to all the patients fighting this battle, you are already an overcomer in your own ways.donated $50
donated $50
Happy to support you for a good causedonated $50
donated $150
You'll Never Walk Alone!donated $60
Go go go!!donated $50
donated $200
donated $100
Thank U Maydonated $5
donated $10
donated $50
Fight to the end. A journey that we will never regret.donated $60
Thank you for supporting the cause Angela and Scott!donated $30
All the way for your meaningful challenge, you can do it!donated $100
donated $60
Support!donated $20
donated $100
donated $60
donated $300
You can do it!donated $500
All the best for the Jog. Pace properly to not get injury kdonated $150
drink more water. the weather is hotdonated $30
donated $200
Support!!donated $100
Happy to have a chance to support a good cause .donated $100
Thank you for your willing heart to do a part in supporting the cancer warriors. Jiayou on the run!donated $50
Jiayous Jermaine! Thank you for your tremendous effort!donated $20
donated $60
Fighting!donated $60
Fighting!donated $60
All the Best!donated $200
donated $28
Dear Isbelle L, well done and keep going on this powerful mission in supporting our cancer patients on their journey.donated $80
donated $200
Keep up the meaningful work and stay healthy!donated $50
Jia you, Sis!donated $10
donated $50
Jia youdonated $100
donated $80
PforSST & SST are fantastic!donated $50
donated $38
Hope this little help goes a long way!donated $50
Your support definitely bring hope to those in need. Do good, feel good. Thank you!donated $30
This is a worthy to support cause. All the best!donated $100
Just to let you know we caredonated $50
donated $50
donated $20
donated $20
Admiring your good efforts. Keep it up.donated $80
donated $60
Jiayou, Yiping! 100km is super impressive!donated $50
Way to go!donated $100
YiPing & Rico, do your very best for it & take it easy! Jiayu. Add oil.donated $100
Let those feet fly!donated $10
Good luck for the race, Papa! Never give up.donated $60
PforSST Team, all the way!donated $30
Gambatte, gal!! Glad you are running for such good cause!!donated $100
donated $50
Yi Ping, jia you!! Bring out your girl power for charity!donated $50
Wish you all the best in this meaningful cause! Stay fit and healthy!donated $100
donated $60
donated $20
donated $100
donated $50
Blessings to alldonated $100
For a good cause you are contributing to, am pledging my support to encourage you on this run!donated $100
donated $50
Jia you!donated $100
Kudos to Peipei!! Moral support all the way! To all who is fighting against cancer, do not give up.donated $200
donated $50
FHAGdonated $60
donated $50
donated $50
donated $50
Well done. Enjoy your run for a good deeddonated $10
donated $100
Good effort! Keep it up!donated $50
Proud of you!donated $30
donated $10
donated $30
donated $80
woohoo!!donated $100
Love your zest for helping others in need! Stay well!donated $100
We can beat this!donated $50
1+1 is more than 2 when we care for one anotherdonated $60
You are star!donated $100
Go for it Try your best and Never give updonated $20
Thanks for sharing this act of kindness, Nisha.donated $50
donated $50
So proud to see you thriving and living an active, healthy and busy life. Hugsdonated $20
Life is full of Hope.donated $50
donated $30
Run, Winnie, run!!donated $50
donated $30
Supporting the fight against cancerdonated $50
Gotta move it!donated $100
Go go godonated $50
donated $100
Jia you!!!donated $50
Keep up the team spirit!donated $60
Good to give backdonated $300
Love and laughter are two of the most important universal cancer treatments on the planet. Overdose on them. Tanya Massedonated $100
donated $50
donated $100
donated $60
donated $80
Jiayou Jill! You can do it as you are an inspiration to many!donated $50
donated $60
Let's rid of this disease!donated $50
donated $80
You are simply amazing! Love your humour and attitude towards life!donated $80
donated $50
donated $50
donated $288
Jill is an incredibly positive & happi person. Happi Dance & I fully support u!donated $30
You go girl!donated $60
Fighting!donated $20
donated $60
Never Give Updonated $20
Keep fighting!donated $50
Let's fight it togetherdonated $30
donated $50
donated $1,000
donated $20
donated $50
donated $50
Jia you!donated $50