Team Profile

53 Member(s) 2 Subteam(s)

Walnut Walkers

We will never walk alone!
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By Walnut Walkers (Team)
raised from 131 donors
100% of $2,820.00
Subteam Fundraising Leaderboard
Subteam Name Total Fund Raised
Main Team $4,414.00
WALKERS $3,398.00
Subteam Name Total Fund Raised


Peter Fong

donated $100

Jerry Koh

donated $50

FC Lim

donated $50

In Memory of Rusty

donated $200

Thank you Walnut Walkers for all the friendship and memories you gave to my dad, Rusty and being his source of joy every Friday. I'm sure he would have loved to join you guys this year if he could. All the best and fight on! -Eugene
Eric Lam

donated $1,000

March on and never give up. Cheers!
Wong Yew Hon

donated $50

Thank you to walnut warriors ! Let us stay together n support each other in all ways big or small. Appreciate.

donated $100

Jenny Low

donated $50

This is a meaningful endeavour! Enjoy the run!
Bobby Ng

donated $100


donated $50

Walnut Warriors go go go

donated $50

All the best

donated $50

Never Give Up! Always Trust God in all situations!

donated $200

Let's Help One Another in This Journey of Healing. Prostate cancer is a test of our spirits but we shall counter it with the unwavering resolve that defines us as Walnut Warriors. Let us celebrate every individual's success in battling this disease as our collective victory and a testament to our will and unity. I am deeply grateful to the doctors at SGH for their care and dedication, and to the Singapore Cancer Society for connecting me with all of you.
Awesome family

donated $50


donated $188

Jiayou Ding!

donated $100


donated $100

Believe you can and you will.
Suat Khoh

donated $50

Kee Tuan, may you continue to walk in the strength of the Lord.
James Chia

donated $200

Well done for making a difference to Kee Tuan and in such healthy way.
Lim Heng Toh

donated $200

Keep up the good spirit!
SL Lim

donated $100

All the best, Beow!
TL Loo

donated $200


donated $200

Good work. Wishing you all the best in this event!

donated $60

Adeline Foo

donated $50

You are stronger than you know. Every day you fight is a testament to your courage and resilience. Keep believing in yourself; brighter days are ahead. You've got this!

donated $300

jiayou Fai
Alan Wong

donated $150

Commendable efforts!
Siew Weng

donated $100

All the best and God bless! Kee Tuan!
Kwok Hoong Sun

donated $50

Kee Tuan great work you are doing. God blessed for the long walk in raising the fund. Keep up the good job.
Richard Tan AL

donated $100

A token in appreciation for all the efforts put in by the walnut walkers.

donated $100

Be blessed by the Lord for this supportive exercise!
Bob and Carine Graf

donated $100

Tong Lam Joen

donated $100

All the best, KT. God knows your heart and He will bless you. Have a victorious run.
Simon Tan

donated $100

Cancer is not a death sentence. It a new beginning of a new life
KH Tan

donated $100


donated $50

Amazing Kee Tuan . All the best
Chiu Ku Ee

donated $200

Great job to Walnut Walkers on walking together to raise the fund in supporting SCS activities for cancer survivors. Enjoy the 100 km journey. Cheers.
Sheshachala G Sheernali

donated $100

Let's all have the blessings of Almighty in human forms.

donated $100

Be healthy, be happy!

donated $1,200

Keep going! God bless!

donated $200

Don't give up, you're such an inspiration to others!
Kay Yam

donated $200

The Best is Yet to Be
Kenneth Lim

donated $50

jiayou Jeffrey, Jamal, Albert, Ralph and the rest of the team!
Ng Fook Seng

donated $100

Great Effort KT. Keep it up !
Samuel Tay

donated $100

Supporting all who are going through cancer. Be strong, stay strong.
Tony C

donated $100

Thank you all for doing your part for these cancer patients!
Toh Seng Hock

donated $100

Glad to see that you are healthy and still so active! Keep it up!

donated $25

Yvonne and Homer

donated $228

Jiayou, da ge!! God bless you and your team abundantly.
William Hong

donated $50

Jia You
KT Low

donated $200

Fight the Good fight of faith
Jason Oh

donated $100

Jiayou all Walnut Walkers

donated $100


donated $100

Well done Fei, Gambatte !!
Jeffrey Teo

donated $100

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13-35 NIV

donated $59

Cheers to the unwavering fighting spirit of the Walnut Walkers!
Chor Hoong

donated $50

Go! Walnut Walkers, Go! Go, KT, Go !!!
Mike Rollings

donated $100

Walk on guys!
Lim Kok Chen

donated $100

Choon, thank you for making a huge difference, supporting and caring and being patient with KK.
HC Leong

donated $100

Keep up the great work in your fund raising to support cancer patients. Go Walnut Walkers!

donated $100

Well done, Fai gor!

donated $100

Lim Kok Chen

donated $100

Glory to God for your care, love and leadership. Thank you for your support.
K T Low

donated $111

In memory of our late Walnut Walkers KK & Rusty. You fought cancer with courage and positivity, showing us the way. We continue your spirit of lifting up our fellow cancer survivors. Bravely let's move forward.
Yen San

donated $100

Good work Priscilla!
KK & Rusty

donated $301

In memory of our late Walnut Walkers, KK & Rusty, we will continue to live on with a thankful heart, positive attitude and healthy spirit.
Yvette Seow

donated $30


donated $100


donated $80

You will get through eventually and you are stronger then you think!
Lexine Low

donated $250


donated $100


donated $100

Teo Ho Peng

donated $100

Koh Kok Eang

donated $50


donated $60


donated $200

Jiayou all Walnut walkers !
Curry Tan

donated $100


donated $108


donated $200

Thanks to you, the world believes that nothing is impossible. Keep spreading the positive energy and hope! Wishing you and your team all the best!

donated $1,000


donated $100


donated $50

U do us proud
David Chan

donated $100

Thank you, for walking and running for Walnut Warriors!
Sam Ho

donated $135

Walnut Walkers, We Never Walk Alone!
Elizabeth Tan

donated $50

Run strong, and just do it.
Jeffrey Tan

donated $100

Kee Tuan and Fong you and your team show such courage and determination in fighting cancer. We walk with you all the way. God bless.
Jordan Neo

donated $200

Thanks for representing us. Well done!
Joseph Leong

donated $50

Foo Hee Jeow

donated $100

Jaye and Ian

donated $80


donated $100

Jia You, Overcomers!!
Henry Tan

donated $100


donated $60

Stay Strong

donated $20

All the best
James Quek

donated $100

One day at a time guys. I am one of you. God bless.
KT Low

donated $50

Thank you Adlan for joining our 100K team again this year. Your contribution help power our ongoing fight against Cancer. And let's beat our 2024 timing for 100K!
Calvin Yong

donated $500

Lets make every step count
CK Chan

donated $50

Eric lok

donated $100

Be healthy.
Eric Koh

donated $120

You are not doing this alone, you have a lot of caring people behind you. Be strong and positive...
Low Kee Hong

donated $100

You are never alone... God is with you.
Eunice Low

donated $200

Keep going Tuan and all the Walnut Walkers!

donated $100

Jiayou Jiayou!!

donated $100


donated $100


donated $200

Do your best!
Low Kee Yang

donated $100

You ain't heavy, brother. Keep up your resilience and positivity in fighting Cancer. Stay strong. We walk with you. God bless you and all your Cancer friends.
KT Slow

donated $100

Slow, you are a great wife, most loving, patient and long suffering. Let's walk all night and fight Cancer.
Aw family

donated $228

Ding & your team A Big CHEERS

donated $5,000

Laughter and Fellowship with Love create our Family of Walnut Walkers. It's a great blessing to be part of this unique Family. Jiayou!
Irene Chung

donated $60


donated $60

Live life in the moment and live it to the fullest.
Julia Teo

donated $120

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Jiayu
Margaret Lee

donated $100

Kee Tuan Low

donated $100

We admire your courage. Fight on. We walk with you. God bless.

donated $50


donated $100


donated $60

Keep walking with courage and hope, knowing that every day you are stronger than you were before
Marcus Pang

donated $100

Be strong & courageous. At the end of dark tunnel , you will see Light which is Christ .

donated $50

Henry Tan

donated $100


donated $50

Strength and hope shine brightest in the face of challenge. To all the fighters, survivors, and their loved ones, your courage inspires us all. Remember, you are never alone on this journey. Together, we stand with you, believing in brighter days ahead. Keep holding on to hope, because every day is a step forward.
James Chan

donated $100

Thank you for being my friends on this journey. One for all and all for one. Jia you Walnut Walkers!

donated $60

You can do it!

donated $120

You'll Never Walk Alone!
Peter Quek

donated $228

For our fallen soldier we March on ...

donated $100


donated $50


donated $50


donated $100

Jeff Teo

donated $100

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We will never walk alone!

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