Subteam Name | Total Fund Raised |
Main Team | $2,295.00 |
Subteam Name | Total Fund Raised |
donated $200
Every step you take is a step of strength, hope and support. Thank you for running for those still fighting, for those we have lost, and for those who will one day win this battle because of efforts like yours. We are cheering for you every step of the way.donated $80
Amazing effort for a meaningful cause. Run, Cheryl, run! Walk also can lah...donated $100
You are amazing for pushing past your comfort zone, jiayou!!!donated $200
God bless u for yr kind act but pls dun over exert yrselfdonated $50
Jia youz Cousin!!!donated $5
Happy New Year! All the best. How long are you running for?donated $60
Thanks for making a stand for cancer awareness and prevention. You rock !!!!donated $100
May our Lord bless this worthy endeavor!donated $60
donated $80
donated $50
Jia You!donated $40
1 Cor 9 25-27 All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.donated $500
donated $60
All the way!donated $60
Fight on! Your family, friends and many supporters in the community are all behind you.donated $1,000
donated $60
Let's fight cancer together!donated $60
You never walk alone in the fight against cancer!donated $60
donated $60
donated $100
donated $200
Jia you Dai Sohdonated $100
God bless you Ashleydonated $100
donated $100
donated $80
donated $80
Keep up the good workdonated $200
Keep up the good effort!!!donated $200
Keep up the good effort!!!donated $100
donated $100
donated $100
Good effort.. fighting!!donated $100
Keep up the effortsdonated $1,000
Well done Mei Yin and CHS for contributing back to Societydonated $200
Where there is love there is lifedonated $200
donated $20
Keep up the good efforts !donated $1,000
Way to go!donated $30
Thank you for supporting cancer survivors. All the best for the rely!donated $60
donated $250
All the best!donated $80
donated $250
All the best!donated $200
In memory of our beloved father Chang Chin Wei who died of cancer. Hope your spirit will bring cancer patients some comfortdonated $100
donated $25
Jia Youdonated $25
Go Tigerdonated $60
Stay strong! Keep fighting!donated $100
donated $100
Great initiative!donated $228
Kelvin & Rose, GO GO GO ! Make a difference. Make an impact !donated $100
Believe in yourself! Every step you take brings hope to those in need. Your perseverance inspires others to join the cause. Remember, it's not about the distance, but the difference you're making. Stay strong, stay focused, and know that every stride brings us closer to a brighter future. You've got this!donated $50
donated $100
Steady la bro !!donated $200
Go Kelvin go!! Advance and overcome!!donated $100
Great challenge and action for a good cause! Jiayou!donated $200
Thanks to the organizer and fund raiser as anyone can be a victim of cancer and prolong treatment may be a hefty burden to victims and their families. Every effort from our society will make a difference to them.donated $30
donated $30
donated $20
Way to go!