Team Profile

20 Member(s) 1 Subteam(s)

PCC Cancer Warriors

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By PCC Cancer Warriors (Team)
raised from 70 donors
100% of $120.00
Subteam Fundraising Leaderboard
Subteam Name Total Fund Raised
Main Team $186,089.00
Subteam Name Total Fund Raised
PCC Cancer Warriors

Team member(s)

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donated $26

Ng Sook Leng

donated $1,000

Eleanor Lim

donated $1,000

Cancer is not the end of life today. Many many treatments are available to each one out there so let us all hold the faith and fight on. And our medical professionals are so valuable and definitely a gift from God.

donated $100

Stanley Wayland

donated $2,000

Lee Kim Shang

donated $10,000

Div Teng

donated $50

Keep impacting the lives of cancer patients!
George Lim

donated $3,000

Keep going, PT !
Rosy Tan

donated $500

Support you all the way!
Oei Hong Leong

donated $5,000

Kelvin Loh

donated $1,000

Ms Tan Choon Mui

donated $200

Ong Lay Beng

donated $1,000


donated $1,000

Tan Chee Chye

donated $1,000

Keep up the good work. Blessings
Brendan Pang

donated $200

With you all the way.
Tung Lan Heng

donated $720

Ang Kwang Yong

donated $1,500

Tan Sri Hng Bok San

donated $2,000

Swan Swan

donated $3,000

Keep running, Dr Ang!!

donated $1,000

Lam Kok Shang

donated $2,388

Tan Sri Haniffa

donated $5,000


donated $500

There is always hope with God
Chng Nai Wee

donated $2,000

Good work again!

donated $3,000


donated $3,000

Quantedge Foundation Singapore Ltd

donated $2,500


donated $2,000

Lim Family

donated $2,000

In memory of Elizabeth Lim.

donated $1,000


donated $5,000

Catherine Tiu

donated $3,000

Suresh Nair

donated $5,000

Your dedication to SCS is a testament to your divine calling to serve others. Your selfless work brings hope and healing to many, reflecting a greater purpose beyond measure. May you be strengthened and blessed as you fulfill this noble purpose.

donated $5


donated $10,000

Keep up the good work.
Ngoi Sing Shang

donated $2,000

Chng Nai Wee

donated $200

Good work!
Neo TK

donated $2,000

All my Best!
Bobby Chin

donated $2,000

Doing good when doing well. Well done.
Chuang Hsuan Hung

donated $2,000

Naresh Das

donated $2,000

Run hard run faster sub 30 5k
Chandra Das

donated $2,000

Keep up the great work!
Leon Foo

donated $2,000

Your willingness to take on this challenge for the sake of others is a true mark of leadership and compassion. Every step you take brings hope and support to those who depend on the Singapore Cancer Society's cause. Thank you for being an inspiration to all of us!

donated $5,000

All the Best to your endeavors.

donated $9,000

Keep up your Great work Dr Ang
Chen Zhichun

donated $200

Dr Ang, thank you for taking care of me the past 12 years! May God continue to bless the great work you are doing!
Anil Sham Buxani

donated $5,000

Mrs Maria & Mr Indriyanto

donated $1,000

God Bless You

donated $2,000


donated $2,000

Yeo sow Nam

donated $300

Truly a worthy cause
Johnny Tee

donated $500

Your dedication brings hope and strength to many. To the patients and survivors, stay strong, you are not alone. Every step forward is a victory. To the caregivers and medical team your kindness and commitment make a difference. Keep believing, keep fighting, and know that you are deeply appreciated. Together, we bring hope and courage to those who need it most.
Chen Changheng

donated $2,000

Thanks Dr Ang and your colleagues
Benny Kwan

donated $2,000

The happiest people in life are the givers to society.
Seeleng Tan

donated $2,000

Johnny y

donated $2,000

Christopher Goh

donated $2,000

All the best Peng Tiam
Benjamin Tow

donated $5,000

Sitoh Yih Pin

donated $2,000

Thank you!
Ledand Tan

donated $5,000

Keep it up Dr Ang

donated $3,000

Keep up the good work!
Mark Wee

donated $5,000


donated $5,000

Dr Ang has taken exceptional good care of me through my cancer journey. He is resourceful and always there in difficult times to support encourage and assure me that all would be fine. Grateful and Blessed to have Dr Ang as my oncologist. Thank you again!
Khai Lee

donated $5,000

Keep up the good work!
Tan Khai Tong

donated $5,000

Run, run, run!
Stanley Chia

donated $5,000

All the best and keep up the good work!!
Leong See Odd

donated $5,000

Ang Peng Tiam

donated $10,000


donated $200

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