Subteam Name | Total Fund Raised |
Main Team | $6,186.00 |
Subteam Name | Total Fund Raised |
donated $50
Well done and Jia You, Aretha!donated $80
donated $200
Do not give up ! There are always those who will support you and those who care for you, so keep on fighting for them! you are not alone in this alone !donated $5
Cancis, thank you for doing your part for the cancer patients. Jia you!donated $60
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. - Mikedonated $50
donated $50
donated $50
You are worth much more than you think you are and anything is possible!!!donated $50
Keep up to good job!!!donated $50
donated $5
Intention does not matter, Action Dodonated $120
Stay positive and complete the race. May this positive vibes give hope and miracle to the sick.donated $120
Run! Run! Run!donated $50
You can do it. So proud of you!donated $10
Jia youdonated $10
this is amazing! all the best and thank you for your efforts!donated $200
donated $20
Good job!donated $10
Jia you cancis! Make sure you guys do the relay run as well!donated $120
All the best to Jud and team!donated $50
Thank you for supporting a good cause. Jiayou Cancis!donated $30
Good jobdonated $30
Keep up the good work !donated $20
Jia you and proud of udonated $50
Jia you! Keep up the good work!donated $20
Thank you for the hard work and effort put in. Hope the small contribution will help in some way. Jiayoudonated $50
Jia you!!!donated $50
Dear Aretha, Cheers to you and proud of you. Jia youdonated $50
Keep going, you're doing amazing, and we're all cheering for you!donated $60
Jia you, Aretha You are doing something very meaningful. Proud of you!donated $20
Stay positivedonated $50
Every simple gestures of kindness can make a lot of difference. You are walking the talk!donated $228
Hi Judith, we are all behind you! Jia Youdonated $200
We are proud of you for taking the challengedonated $10
Good job Cancis & girls! All of you have been the most lovable. Keep up the good spirit!donated $500
Superstar Jude Jude! Every step you take is like a victory dance for a great cause. Keep pushing forward, stay strong, and your efforts are making a huge difference. Plus, think of all the bragging rights you'll have! LOL. Cheers!donated $100
Cancis, you are making a difference! Your passion and energy inspire others. Keep shining, you are changing lives!donated $20
donated $100
Stay strong to win the battle. You can make it.donated $200
donated $50
Hope the fundraising will be a great success and help a lot of cancer patientsdonated $60
Go Cancis & Team! Great effort for a great cause!donated $50
Thank you Cancis for raising funds for this cause.donated $20
donated $20
Cheering out to Cancis, all the best and run as fast as the bullet train!!!donated $10
Be strong and positive thinking!donated $5
donated $10
Cancis, you're doing awesome!donated $5
Good job!donated $50
donated $20
This is so meaningful. Thank you for doing this!donated $5
Good job Cancis! Continue to do good for the community. All the best for your walk.donated $5
Well done Cancis! Keep up your passion.donated $200
donated $5
donated $10
Always supporting u sigmadonated $5
proud of u sigma chia ohyeahhhhdonated $50
You can do it!donated $50
jiayou! we are always there for you! fight on!!donated $50
Jiayou! You can do it!donated $108
You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem! Keep the fighting spirit!donated $50
donated $50
Keep it up and a big applause for the great effort to support the cancer warriors.donated $50
You are tougher than you think, keep going Mirelle ! One more round, one more victory !!donated $50
I wish all of you will recover. It will be a good day today.donated $5
Gongxifacaidonated $200
Such an amazing cause! Wishing you all the best and cheering you on. Keep up the great work!donated $100
Lets do good together Mirelle!!donated $50
Proud of you for participating in this selfless act. Stay safe as you complete the run.donated $60
Press on and Jia you Mirelle and team!!donated $50
donated $10
for mirelleomega, stay sigma baby girldonated $20
donated $200
Dear Mirelle & team, applaud your commendable spirit to raise funds for Cancer patients. All the best for your overnight relay!donated $50
donated $50
Love from the favourite junior of Mirelle Chiadonated $30
Jiayou Mirelle !donated $88
donated $20
donated $100
donated $100
donated $100
Supporting Mirelle & family! Keep it updonated $80
donated $50
Jiayou Mirelle!!donated $28
Jiayou!donated $60
Jia you Mirelle!!donated $50
donated $80
donated $50
donated $30
donated $200
donated $50
All the bestdonated $88
donated $5
donated $5