donated $100.00
Hey Fitpapa and Mama , thank you ! We are rooting for you .donated $200.00
Look beyond what you seedonated $100.00
donated $100.00
donated $50.00
Thanks for your efforts! Jiayou!donated $200.00
Jiayou!donated $100.00
Your act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. I am thankful to be able to play my little part to support you and this good cause. Jia you..donated $100.00
I am so honour to support your charity run with my small token of appreciation! Your dedication to this cause is truly inspiring and every step you take is making a difference. Keep pushing forward and I am cheering you on all the way.donated $100.00
Abangdonated $50.00
Jiayou papa Francis and mama Joyce!donated $50.00
donated $80.00
Awesomedonated $100.00
Well done Francisdonated $200.00
A great deeds for charity. Francis will make it.donated $100.00
donated $50.00
Jiayou dear Francis and Joycedonated $50.00
donated $100.00
Francis, Keep up the good workdonated $200.00
You have been a pillar of inspiration and motivation to how we should persevere in this journey of life.donated $100.00
All the way..donated $100.00
donated $50.00
donated $300.00
Let's go! End the race with a smile Francis & Joyce! Mike Tan Visionary Interior An Omakasedonated $50.00
donated $50.00
Salute you for your kind effort.donated $100.00
Bro, Thanks and well done.donated $100.00
donated $50.00
donated $80.00
GOOD JOB, BROdonated $100.00
You are both amazing for running in such an important cause! We will be cheering you on all the way!donated $100.00
Well done Brother. Jia Yu!donated $200.00
Jia yu Francis!donated $100.00
Keep up the generous spirit! 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'donated $200.00
Dear Francis and wife, Your dedication to running for a cancer charity is truly inspiring. Every step you take symbolise the strength and perseverance once can have. Yoi are helping to shine a light on the important of continued support, compassion and hope. Wishing you both strength, endurance and truly rewarding run!!donated $100.00
donated $200.00
Have a successful outing and enjoyable run with your wife. Keep up with the good work for society. Service above Self!donated $100.00
donated $100.00
All the best Francis, Well Done !donated $200.00
donated $100.00
Can run or not bro? Do not push yourself too hard, loldonated $100.00
Thanks to Francis Ng in his support for such a noble causedonated $100.00
donated $100.00
Jia Yudonated $60.00
donated $100.00
Run for life you two! Run for love. Run!donated $50.00
donated $300.00
Stay strong.donated $100.00
Keep it up brother!donated $50.00
Jiayou fitmama & fitpapa!!!donated $50.00
Keep it up, brodonated $200.00
You are the man!!donated $200.00
All the waydonated $80.00
donated $100.00
Good Job Bro!donated $100.00
donated $50.00
Jia You Francis!!!! You can reach the finishing line and thanks for helping the cancer patients!donated $100.00
Well done and Jia you!donated $100.00
Jia you!donated $100.00
All the best Bro Francis & wife! Thanks for always doing good for all people! God bless you and your Family!donated $228.00
Salute to my bro Fitpapa for your dedication to charity!donated $200.00
donated $100.00
Well done and all the best!donated $60.00
Let us all play our part in helping the less privileged citizens in our society, big or small, deeds or donations.donated $1,000.00
Keep it up!donated $80.00
All the best!!donated $50.00
Great job to the salt and light of the world bringing hope to the people in sickness!donated $50.00
God blessing to all participants and receipients.donated $100.00
Jiayou!!!!!donated $100.00
Francis and wife , wish u enjoy the run and admire your kindness and determination in finding time and giving back to the society in helping the needy. You are the role model and keep up the good works . Cheersdonated $100.00
Hip Hip Horray Francis!donated $100.00
Doing part to encourage the recipientsdonated $100.00
Thanks for all the support to save lives and encourage many along a difficult journey. Such a blessing to so many.