Subteam Name | Total Fund Raised |
Main Team | $37,163.00 |
JLL | $5,281.00 |
DELOITTE | $8,126.00 |
Subteam Name | Total Fund Raised |
donated $100
Hey Fitpapa and Mama , thank you ! We are rooting for you .donated $60
donated $200
donated $30
Go Nico!! What a great cause!donated $100
Keep it up!donated $200
donated $50
Great cause. Well done.donated $50
Jia youdonated $100
Jiayou!!!donated $200
Look beyond what you seedonated $60
Strong runningdonated $100
donated $21
donated $200
donated $100
donated $300
Keep up the great work Hoe Kit!donated $2,000
Jia you!donated $200
well done Andrew - What a great cause!donated $100
Jia youdonated $60
donated $60
Proud of your dedication to help those in need. Support you BFFdonated $100
So proud of you for dedicating your run to support cancer patient! Jia you!donated $88
Keep up the great cause and all the best Hoe Kit!donated $50
donated $100
donated $200
Good job running for a great cause!donated $50
Thanks for your efforts! Jiayou!donated $200
Jiayou!donated $50
donated $60
donated $100
Your act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. I am thankful to be able to play my little part to support you and this good cause. Jia you..donated $300
Go go go all the way !donated $100
I am so honour to support your charity run with my small token of appreciation! Your dedication to this cause is truly inspiring and every step you take is making a difference. Keep pushing forward and I am cheering you on all the way.donated $60
donated $100
Abangdonated $100
donated $100
MHK, your determination and dedication is an inspiration!donated $100
Excellent cause!donated $100
donated $2,000
You are my great warrior!donated $350
Go Andrew!donated $100
donated $50
Jiayou papa Francis and mama Joyce!donated $100
Good job team!donated $50
donated $110
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.donated $80
Awesomedonated $100
Well done Francisdonated $60
donated $200
A great deeds for charity. Francis will make it.donated $60
Help and care for each other and make this world a better ones!donated $60
Cheering you guys on!!!donated $80
May the Force be with you JO! It starts with a strong spirit, which you definitely have!donated $100
donated $100
donated $50
Jiayou dear Francis and Joycedonated $50
donated $50
donated $100
Jiayou and thanks for bringing awarenessdonated $100
Jiayou Joyce! Thanks for doing this for a good cause.donated $20
Nice one for charity Nihat!donated $100
Francis, Keep up the good workdonated $60
Jia you Bff Joyce!!donated $200
You have been a pillar of inspiration and motivation to how we should persevere in this journey of life.donated $100
All the way..donated $100
donated $50
donated $566
Let us fight this togetherdonated $100
donated $500
donated $300
Let's go! End the race with a smile Francis & Joyce! Mike Tan Visionary Interior An Omakasedonated $200
donated $50
donated $50
donated $60
All the best to Joyce Tan and so proud of you!donated $20
Doing something so meaningful on IWD is SO you and there is NO question at all when it comes to supporting this. Love u to the moon and back. Now go smash that run!donated $50
Salute you for your kind effort.donated $60
donated $100
donated $100
Bro, Thanks and well done.donated $50
Go Nihat!!donated $100
donated $50
donated $100
I would like to encourage the cancer patients to stay strong! Be confident and stay positive! You can do it!donated $120
donated $500
donated $80
GOOD JOB, BROdonated $1,000
donated $100
You are both amazing for running in such an important cause! We will be cheering you on all the way!donated $100
Well done Brother. Jia Yu!donated $100
donated $50
donated $200
Jia yu Francis!donated $100
Keep up the generous spirit! 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'donated $200
Dear Francis and wife, Your dedication to running for a cancer charity is truly inspiring. Every step you take symbolise the strength and perseverance once can have. Yoi are helping to shine a light on the important of continued support, compassion and hope. Wishing you both strength, endurance and truly rewarding run!!donated $80
Remember ... YOU are one with the Force!donated $80
All the best for the relay Joyce and wonderful that you're supporting this cause!donated $100
donated $60
You are an inspiration to many! Way to go!donated $200
Have a successful outing and enjoyable run with your wife. Keep up with the good work for society. Service above Self!donated $100
All the way Hoe Kitdonated $100
donated $100
All the best Francis, Well Done !donated $200
donated $100
Can run or not bro? Do not push yourself too hard, loldonated $100
Thanks to Francis Ng in his support for such a noble causedonated $100
donated $100
Jia Yudonated $60
donated $100
Run for life you two! Run for love. Run!donated $25
YA GOT THIS!!!!! SO PROUDdonated $150
Great job!!! Jia You!donated $50
donated $80
donated $300
Stay strong.donated $20
Cheers to good healthdonated $500
Dear Andrew - well done and add oil!!donated $100
Keep it up brother!donated $50
donated $50
All the best!donated $50
Good luck Sidonated $60
Run fat boy rundonated $50
Jiayou fitmama & fitpapa!!!donated $50
Keep it up, brodonated $200
You are the man!!donated $200
All The Waydonated $200
All the waydonated $50
donated $50
donated $100
Jia Yu Joycedonated $100
donated $50
Jiayo NANA & Ah Kongdonated $80
donated $150
Go go Yvette!donated $80
donated $100
donated $100
Good Job Bro!donated $100
donated $500
donated $50
Have a great run! Or walk.donated $50
Cours Julien, cours ! Comme si on te poursuivait !donated $50
Run Jo, run!donated $200
Run! Or walk. Just watch that heart rate. We need you in Osaka!donated $100
Go you legend!donated $100
Have a great run!donated $50
Jia You Francis!!!! You can reach the finishing line and thanks for helping the cancer patients!donated $100
Well done and Jia you!donated $100
Jia you!donated $100
All the best Bro Francis & wife! Thanks for always doing good for all people! God bless you and your Family!donated $228
Salute to my bro Fitpapa for your dedication to charity!donated $200
donated $100
Well done and all the best!donated $60
Let us all play our part in helping the less privileged citizens in our society, big or small, deeds or donations.donated $1,000
Keep it up!donated $80
All the best!!donated $50
Great job to the salt and light of the world bringing hope to the people in sickness!donated $50
God blessing to all participants and receipients.donated $100
Jiayou!!!!!donated $100
Francis and wife , wish u enjoy the run and admire your kindness and determination in finding time and giving back to the society in helping the needy. You are the role model and keep up the good works . Cheersdonated $50
Go Nihat and Team!donated $100
Hip Hip Horray Francis!donated $200
Ritika, thank you! From, Many beneficiariesdonated $100
You go, Fitmamamia. Thanks for doing this.donated $500
donated $100
Doing part to encourage the recipientsdonated $100
Run Run Rundonated $100
You guys are awesomedonated $100
Thanks for all the support to save lives and encourage many along a difficult journey. Such a blessing to so many.donated $100
Thank you for sacrificing time and energy to help save lives! It means a lot to so many!donated $100
Thank you for working hard to save lives through this activity! Means a lot to so many!donated $100
Proud of you, sis! You go girl!donated $100
Add Oil!donated $50
Jia yu Hui Xiang, you can make itdonated $100
donated $1,000
donated $100
Keep shining, keep thriving, and embrace every new day with courage!donated $100
donated $100
Jia you!donated $80
It's wonderful that you're supporting this cause and sending you lots of cheer and encouragement!donated $200
Great cause!donated $100
Hope grows because of people like you. Keep raising awareness, spreading strength, and making a difference! Thanks Hoe Kit.donated $100
Go Tobi Go. Time is limited so run as fast as you can!donated $60
Very happy to support your efforts for such a valuable causedonated $50
You go girl!!donated $80
All the best and enjoy the run!donated $60
GO GO GO!donated $200
Jiayou!donated $50
Great job, John and a good cause to support!donated $720
You are running for a great cause. All the best wishes.donated $200
Thank youdonated $60
Go Andrew! Tour de France next!!donated $100
All the best, Hoe Kit and Team!donated $50
donated $80
You are doing fantastic work, keep it up and I truly wish you all the best.donated $60
Tang Ping no Add Oil yesdonated $100
Go Team Go!donated $50
donated $60
Jiayou Hazel.donated $50
Great caga to help those with cancer. Sadhu anumoudana!donated $200
What a wonderful thing to do Andrew! A little support and cheering on from HK!donated $100
Good luck!!donated $100
All the best to you Andrew!!donated $100
Good luck Andrew!donated $100
Cheering you on as you bless the beneficiaries with your remarkable contributions, Andrew!donated $200
Happy Trails!donated $500
Have fun!donated $200
Go for it Andrew!donated $80
Come on Andrew! This is very meaningful, glad to support the funds and you!donated $50
Good luck Andrew, cycle hard!donated $100
Full support AM!!!donated $100
Thanks so much for doing this Andrew!donated $100
Great efforts Andrew! All the best.donated $60
They who fight for it are strong, whether they manage to overcome it or not. They tried! Good cause to support!donated $50
Jia youdonated $80
Best of luck Andrew and team.donated $500
donated $300
Great commitment to the cause!donated $60
Keep shining like the star you are!!donated $100
You can do it.donated $100
donated $100
We have got a strong warrior fighting for all the other warriors out theredonated $60
donated $100
Keep it up !donated $60
You can do it! Dont give up.donated $10
donated $200
If you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Reach for the finishing line! Jia You!donated $50
donated $200
Run as fast as you can ya!donated $50
Such an inspiration! Keep it up!donated $25
All the best Ritika. Always a warrior. Keep the faith. Keep the spirit up! Hip , hip hurraydonated $60
Your strength and resilience are an inspiration to everyone around you. Keep shining and inspiring others.donated $20
donated $50
donated $100
Keep it going, Hoe Kit!donated $80
Thank you for running, proud of you Ritika!donated $50
donated $50
donated $200
Hi Hoe Kit, thank you for all that you do! Embrace the run and cherish the finish! Warm wishes Lin Yeedonated $100
All the way!donated $50
Stay sexy, stay altruisticdonated $100
Jiayou!! Have a great run!donated $20
YAY RUN BB RUNdonated $300
Run, Andrea! Run!donated $100
donated $5
You are truly inspiring! Thank you for bringing awareness for this cause.donated $50
taylor swift once said rundonated $1,000
donated $30
Well done! Keep it updonated $50
Good heart from Hoe Kit who has been doing this nonstop for a few years now.donated $50
a champ!donated $15
Go Andrea! Thanks for being a warrior for a good causedonated $228
Keep going! Every little bit counts!donated $50
donated $50
Nildonated $100
Gambateh!donated $200
Well Done Hoe Kit. Keep Going!!donated $100
Keep up good work while keeping yourself trim!donated $100
donated $100
Keep fighting!!donated $200
donated $50
Dear Ritika Wishing you strength, endurance and a fulfilling experience throughout the run. Good luck !donated $100
Jiayoudonated $80
You have within you, right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you!donated $100
Jia You Lay Hoon. May this run strengthen your body and mind too too.donated $60
Go Yingjie !donated $50
Go Cheryl !donated $25
All the best . You are a rockstardonated $200
donated $500
Go Hoe Kit! Thanks for doing this! Cheering you on all the waydonated $50
Go Lin Min !donated $100
donated $100
Run, boss, run!donated $80
Jiayou!donated $20
donated $50
Hey Lin-Min, it is so amazing and inspiring that you are doing this. Keep going, one step at a time. You got this!!donated $80
JIAYOU!!!donated $20
donated $100
donated $100
GO YOLKS GO!donated $50
All the bestdonated $10
Jaiyousdonated $20
Jia you jia youdonated $100
go go go!!donated $50
donated $100
donated $50
donated $200
donated $1,500
donated $60
You're the best!donated $500
donated $50
donated $300
Jia You Cheryl! We are all behind you!donated $50
Best wishesdonated $60
We are all in this together We will fight cancer togetherdonated $100
Add Oil, Add Oil !!!donated $100
All the best!donated $228
donated $200
donated $228
You are making a difference with every step you take. Your dedication to this cause is truly inspiring. Keep pushing forward knowing your effort is bringing hope, support and change to so many. You have got this!donated $240
Cheryl, have a good run!donated $200
donated $200
donated $1,000
Happy running!donated $100
All the best Hoe Kit!donated $100
donated $500
Keep up the good work and all the best !donated $60
Take it one step at a time, you can do it!donated $200
Enjoy your run, and to know many will benefit from it.donated $10
donated $60
You Go, Girl!donated $60
donated $60
donated $60
donated $50
donated $100
donated $200
All the best for your run for a meaningful cause!!donated $100
donated $100
Bright future is waiting for youdonated $100
donated $60
donated $60
donated $50
donated $20
Well done B, jia you !donated $50
Be more lingzhindonated $100
No one fights cancer alone!donated $20
Go go go - Jamesdonated $60
donated $60
donated $50
donated $500
Seriously good cause...thank you for actively participating.donated $150
donated $100
Way to go!donated $10
Ggmudonated $50
You can do this LM. Go go go!donated $38
All the best for the race and looking forward to future collaboration with your teamdonated $100
Lets finally celebrate with some sisig after your courageous run.donated $100
donated $250
All the best !donated $88
keep calm and run slowly! enjoy the event!donated $100
donated $60
All the way!donated $100
donated $80
Expand your lungs and out run yourself!donated $100
Your dedication gives hope to many! You are spreading awareness and encouraging others!donated $50
Way to go!!donated $50
Keep pushing forward!donated $200
Run faster!donated $100
You go girl!donated $250
This is a tremendous cause as a survivor we need as much contribution to current and new care strategies to help keep the good fight strong against the scourge of cancer I only wish I could have been in the rundonated $60
donated $60
You are not alone!donated $50
Jiayouuu!donated $20
GGdonated $100
donated $300
donated $60
donated $200
donated $100
Go Hazel go!donated $100
Supporting a meaningful cause! Each of us can make a difference to others.donated $60
donated $100
donated $100
donated $100
Jia You for a good cause!! We are supporting you from afar!donated $200
Way to go, Hoe Kit!donated $18
Proud of you, Auntie Hazeldonated $18
Jia You, Auntie Hazeldonated $80
donated $60
Run for hope!donated $89
Huat ah!!!!donated $200
donated $300
Bravodonated $100
donated $80
you can do this! great initiative!donated $100
Proud of you, Hazel!donated $60
donated $100
Great job Sis!donated $100
donated $100
donated $30
donated $50
Have a great run, Hoe Kit!donated $50
Stay strong!donated $50
donated $200
donated $200
donated $100
donated $300
donated $200
Jiayou mamadonated $100
Cancer is only going to be a chapter in your life, not the whole story. There's always hope beyond what you see.donated $1,000
donated $1,000
Go go go HK!donated $100